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Office Location: 310 N 7th St, Classroom 2
Office open Monday and Thursday 12 - 4, Wednesday 10 - 4
Mailing: PO Box 2361 | Grand Junction CO 81502
Call: 970-549-8544 Email: mesacountydemocraticparty@gmail.com
Mesa County Democrats
A party for the people
Mesa County Democratic Party has been tirelessly working to improve life in Mesa County.
Committed to change in our world, the Mesa County Democratic Party has set their standards high, and will not stop fighting until a proper balance has been reached. To learn more about Mesa County Democratic Party, please explore the site and feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Who We Are
Welcome to the Colorado Democratic Party!
Democrats in Colorado are about empowering people and protecting the planet.
We understand that the quality of life for people can be directly related to the ability to find a good job, the ability to access healthcare, afford housing and get a good education, without a lifetime of debt.
We believe that after a lifetime of hard work, people deserve to retire with dignity and security.
We believe that small, local businesses drive Colorado’s economy.
We do not believe that corporations are people and are willing to make sure that the wealthy big corporations have to live by the same rules as you and I do.
To read the entire "Who We Are" statement, CLICK HERE to view the one-page PDF.