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Office Location: 310 N 7th St, Classroom 2
Office open Monday and Thursday 12 - 4, Wednesday 10 - 4
Mailing: PO Box 2361 | Grand Junction CO 81502
Call: 970-549-8544 Email: mesacountydemocraticparty@gmail.com
Mesa County Democrats Monthly Meetings
The monthly meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Board of Directors meet 5:30 - 6:30 pm. Central Committee meets from 6:30 - 7:30 pm. Zoom links can be made available.

Women's Group Meetings
The Women's group is open to all liberal / progressive leaning folks, so invite your independent friends along. Meetings are held on the 4th Wednesday of odd numbered months from 6 - 8 pm. Zoom will be available. Email for more info and get on the very informative mailing list at MesaCoWomensGroup@gmail.com
Mesa County Commissioners
Our county representatives post their weekly schedule here: https://www.mesacounty.us/commissioners/business-of-the-commissioners/commissioners-weekly-schedule/
Meet your County Commissioners Bobbie Daniel, Cody Davis,
and Janet Rowland: Your County Commissioners

School Board Action
Learn more about your School District 51 here!
D51 board members need to hear from us and see us at their public meetings, the calendar can be found at D51Calendar.
Let them know that we support the teachers, students, equity and transparency!